BBC Micro Bot

BBC Micro bot runs your Mastodon toot on an 8-bit computer emulator and replies with a video. Toot-sized programs are written in BBC BASIC - a language created by Sophie Wilson in 1981 for the BBC Micro.

It's amazing what people create in a few lines of code for a 1980s home computer!

This page is not what you think it is

Every image below is rendered by a full BBC Micro emulator in your browser.

Scroll over any screen to restart an emulation. Click on the screen to see the source. On desktop you can ESC programs and even enter commands. Enjoy!

Add your program to the gallery!

Want to add your own program? Follow BBC Micro Bot on Mastodon and send a toot with the hashtag #bbcmicrobot and the bot will run your program - it should appear in this gallery in less than a minute. You can read the manual and run programs the interactive Owlet Editor before tooting.

(c) 2024 BBC Micro Bot authors and contributors, licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
BBC Micro Bot was created by Dominic Pajak and is powered by JSBeeb from Matt Godbolt and beebjit by Chris Evans.